About ABS Pack 25

Eric Roth is Pack Chairman. David Fortenberry is our Cubmaster. The den leader of the Tiger Cub Den is Kimberly Harbin. Jennifer Fortenberry is the den leader of the Wolf Den. Matt Davis is the leader of the Bear Den. Gay Ulrich is the den leader of the Webelos I Den. Tracy Moyers is the den leader of the Webelos II Den. Membership fluctuates around two dozen boys in grades 1-5. First graders participate as a Tiger cub. Second graders work toward the rank of Wolf. Third graders may attain the rank of Bear. Fourth and fifth graders participate in the 18 month long WEBLOS program. Pack 25 is one of dozens in the Arrowhead district that serves Limestone, Morgan, and Lauderdale Counties. Also, the pack and district form part of the Greater Alabama Council that serves the 22 uppermost counties of Alabama.

Activities that Pack 25 offers include: regular den meetings centered around rank advancement, service projects, family camping, hiking, canoeing, trips to attractions across the Tennesse Valley, banquets,and pinewood derby racing.

Contact Information

If you would like to submit scout photos or scout information for the website regarding ABS Pack 25, please send an email to billandgayulrich@charter.net

If you would like more information about joining ABS Pack 25 or information about our scouting events, please email David Fortenberry at djfortenberry@charter.net.

Webelos Earned their Handyman Activity Pin - October 20, 2008

Kasey Harbin allowed the boys to work on their Handyman Activity Pin requirements up at McClary Tire Co. in Athens, AL on October 20, 2008. Kasey along with the help of some of the other Dads (Tim Richter, Tim Sandlin, Scott Britnell, Gary Boyd, Lance Perry and Mike McCoy) showed the boys how to check the oil in a car, check the tire pressure in a tire, replace a light bulb in the tail light of a car, change a tire, oil a bicycle chain, and adjust handle bars and seats on a bicycle. The boys had a great time at the tire store. Kasey let them finish off the meeting with a free drink from the coke machine and he let them all take a tire pressure gauge home with them. Thanks Mr. Kasey!

Fishing Rodeo Winners- September 2008

Christopher Nave, Dalton Adams, and Matthew Nave all brought home trophies from the Fishing Rodeo at Joe Wheeler. Good job boys!

Video Clip from the "Candy Store" skit at Cub Haunted

Steve Usery and Tim Richter were chosen from the audience to participate in the "Candy Store" skit at Cub Haunted. Tim Richter plays the role of the ceiling fan inside the candy store. Steve Usery plays the role with another person to be the swinging doors that lead into the candy store. During the skit, someone will enter the doors to the candy store, go up to the sales clerk and ask for a particular candy item. They don't have the item that the person asks for so he/she leaves. Then others will come and go asking for candy during the skit. The skit lasts as long as the "ceiling fan" can function. Tim did a great job as the ceiling fan. But, you will get a laugh as you see his motor "running out" at the end.

"Hokey Pokey" Video from Cub Haunted - October, 2008

Stephen Usery and the rest of our pack that attended Cub Haunted appears in this video doing the Hokey Pokey.

Cub Haunted - October, 2008

Pack 25 had a great time at Cub Haunted at Camp Comer in Mentone, AL. They got to participate in many fun activities such as: haunted hay ride, haunted trail, rock climbing wall, hike to Moon Rock, pedal cars, archery, and BB guns. We also enjoyed some great entertainment at the Campfire Ceremony at the camp amphitheater (especially the skits starring Tim Richter and Steve Usery). Our pack spent a little time together at their campsite building their own campfire, eating smores, and telling funny stories and jokes. They can't wait to do it all over again next year!

Scout Day at the U. S. Space and Rocket Center - October 4, 2008

On October 4, 2008 ABS Pack 25 participated in Scout Day at the U. S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, AL. We had 13 scouts in all (including one of the ABS girl scouts)participate in Scout Day. We got to see a movie titled "Fly Me to the Moon" at the 3-D Digital Theater, ride some really cool rides, climb a rock wall, and learn some important history about our U. S. Space program. We had a great day!

Webelos Get a Lesson on the U. S. Flag - Sept. 30, 2008

Tim Richter, Tim Sandlin, and Gary Boyd taught the Webelos 1 den some important information about the U. S. Flag. Each cub scout had to learn how to hoist and lower the flag, how to hang it horizontally and vertically on a wall, and how to fold it. They were taught why we should respect our country's flag, some special days we fly it, and when and how to salute the flag. They also recited the Pledge of Allegience. These Webelos have met requirements #3, #4, and #5 of their Citizen Webelos Activity Badge.

Belt Loop Jamboree, September 27, 2008

Stephen Usery, ABS Wolf Den Leader, organized a Belt Loop Jamboree as one of his requirements toward earning his Wood Badge. This event took place at Athens Bible School on September 27, 2008. Cub Scouts throughout the Arrowhead District had the opportunity to earn three Academic Belt Loops (Wildlife Conservation, Language and Culture, and Map and Compass) and four Sports Belt Loops (Marbles, Badminton, Volleyball, and Flag Football).

The boys had so much fun earning those belt loops. Thank you, Stephen, for doing such a GREAT job organizing the Belt Loop Jamboree. Thanks to all of the parents, boys scouts and girl scouts that volunteered their time and effort to making this event a success, too.

Tigers Visit Jamie Whitt's Dairy Farm

The Tiger Den recently visited Jamie Whitt's Dairy Farm in Ardmore. I am sure they learned quite a bit about where our milk comes from. I wonder if any of them will want to work on a dairy farm some day...

Tiger Den Hike - September 20, 2008

The Tiger den met at Elkmont at the Red Caboose on Saturday, September 20th to do a little hiking. They had a great time and were able to earn some more miles toward their hiking sticks.

Tiger Service Project

These Tigers worked hard to collect food items for hurricane victims at Calhoun Community College. Good work boys!

Pack Meeting: September 16, 2008 (Bobcat and Arrow of Light Ceremonies)

These boys worked hard and were recognized for their achievements at the September 2008 Pack Meeting.

Davy Crockett Camp-out - June 2008

The following information comes from the following website: http://www.state.tn.us/environment/parks/DavidCrockettSP/index.shtml

David Crockett State Park was dedicated in May of 1959, in honor of one of Tennessee's most famous native sons. David Crockett was a pioneer, soldier, politician, industrialist and was born near the little town of Limestone in northeast Tennessee in 1786. In 1817, he moved to Lawrence County and served as a justice of the peace, a colonel of the militia, and as state representative. Along the banks of Shoal Creek, in what is now his namesake park, he established a diversified industry consisting of a powdermill, a gristmill and a distillery. All three operations were washed away in a flood in September, 1821. Financial difficulties from this loss caused Crockett to move to West Tennessee where he was elected to Congress. While in Washington, he fought for his people's right to keep land they had settled on the new frontier of West Tennessee. Crockett died at the Alamo Mission in March of 1836 while aiding the Texans in their fight for independence from Mexico.

Our boys had a great time camping, eating good food, and hiking!

USS Alabama Battleship Trip - February 2008

Pack 25 spent Friday night, Feb. 15th, 2008 aboard the USS Alabama in Mobile, AL. They participated in a scavenger hunt that night before sleeping in bunks aboard the ship. They had to find various places on the ship such as the helm, the brig, the mess hall, etc. This was not an easy task, because they did this after sundown and it was very dark. Greg Chandler led them in a devotional before bed time. They had to rise early the next morning for breakfast at 6:30am.

On Saturday, they were free to tour the battleship and the other things in the Memorial Park such as the submarine called the USS Drum and WWII planes and helicopters. Many thanks to Eric and Melinda Roth for organizing this trip. Thanks to the parents who helped supply snacks and drinks for the children and thanks to the Dad's aboard the ship who had to take care of not only their own scout, but some extra scouts whose Dad's were not able to attend this trip.

Bat Cave Clean and Learn - August, 2008

In the late summer, over 40,000 endangered Gray Bats can be seen emerging from the Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge’s Cave Springs Cave at twilight. On August 9, members of the Wheeler Refuge staff were on-site to talk about wildlife found around Cave Springs Cave including the endangered Gray Bat.

Pack 25 participated in this “Clean and Learn”. We helped pick up trash along the roadside near the Cave Springs Cave. After enjoying a little watermelon break, we heard a bat expert tell us about the endangered gray bats that lived in Cave Springs Cave. Just before dark, we watched thousands of gray bats emerge from the cave.

Day Camp - July, 2008

The 2008 Cub Scout Day Camp theme for the Greater Alabama Council was “Dino Safari” based on the Scouts learning about dinosaurs and archeology.

Here is what the webelos who attended day camp earned:

Webelos Geology Activity Pin-complete

Webelos Showman activity Pin-requirements # 2, 3, 4, 5, 7

Webelos Forestry Activity Pin-complete

Webelos Outdoorsman Activity Pin-#5, #7, #8, #9, #11

Webelos Craftsman Activity Pin # 4 they did two of the four projects ( hiking staff and leather neckerchief slide)

Webelos Naturalist Activity Pin #7. ½ credit (identify poisonous plants)

Webelos Sportsman Activity Pin- #2, 3 (archery and bb), 4 (1/2 credit) ultimate

Webelos Traveler Activity Pin #13

Beltloops: Ultimate, Archery, BB Guns, Map and Compass, Flag Football

Pins: Archery, BB,

Hiking Miles to record 3 miles

Joe Wheeler Campout - May 2008

We had a great turnout- 32 people and a great time this past weekend. Thanks to all who loaned coolers and thanks to the Naves for the peach cobbler and cookies.

For the campout, everyone is considered their new rank ( tigers = wolfs, etc)

Below is what you can mark off in your new books:

Wolfs- req. 8e, electives 18g, 23a, 23c if you went fishing 19b, 19c, 19d and 19f

Bears-req. 9g and 12a,12b

Webelos- Outdoorsman # 3, # 7 and # 9