The slideshow above contains pictures from our first pack meeting of the 2009-2010 school year. The Webelos I and II led the Flag Ceremony and Opening Prayer. David discussed upcoming events and gave out numerous achievement awards. The achievement awards are below:
Tiger Den 4 Caleb Bowen -Bobcat Badge, Recognition emblem
Jesse Davis-Bobcat Badge, Recognition emblem
Adam Davidson-Recognition emblem
Will Hall-Bobcat Badge, Recognition emblem
Seth Leopard- Bobcat Badge, Recognition emblem
John Paul-Bobcat Badge, Recognition emblem
Wolf DenElliott Adams- BB belt loop and Archery belt loop
Robert Bradley-BB belt loop and Archery belt loop
Grey Fortenberry- BB belt loop and Archery belt loop
Jesse Hicklen- BB belt loop and Archery belt loop
Nicholas Ulrich-Belt loops: Soccer, Bowling, BBs and Archery
Webelos 1Connor Roth: Outdoor Activity Award (wolf track pin-already has patch), Webelos Aquanaut activity pin, Swimming belt loop
Webelos 2Andrew Adams: Outdoor Activity Award (wolf track pin - already has patch)
Austin Britnell: Outdoor Activity Award, 50 Miler award, Academic Pins:
Citizenship, Collecting, Map and Compass, Music, Science, Bowling, Swimming
Caleb Boyd: Outdoor Activity Award, Outdoorsman Activity Pin
Chase Harbin: Outdoor Activity Award (wolf track pin - already has patch)
David Hough: Bobcat patch
Colton Richter: Outdoor Activity Award, Outdoorsman Activity Pin
Cody Roberson: Outdoor Activity Award
Amos Perry: Outdoor Activity Award (wolf track pin - already has patch)
Sammy Sandlin: Outdoor Activity Award (wolf track pin - already has patch)Webelos Traveler pin, Webelos Readyman pin
We also had a Bobcat Ceremony and Austin Britnell was awarded a new hiking stick for earning his 50 Miler Award.
Upcoming Events:September 19th - We will meet at 5pm to pick up trash along the greenway at the park. We will meet right behind the Tennis Courts next to Athens High School. If you have any questions about this event, call Tim Richter - Webelos II Den Leader.
September 26th - Fishing Rodeo at Joe Wheeler. You can click on the Link for the Arrowhead District on this website to download a registration form.
October 9-11th - Gem and Mineral Show at Von Braun Civic Center - South Hall. Oct. 9th and 10th - open from 10am to 6pm. Oct. 11 open noon to 5pm. Scouts and leaders in uniform get in free. Siblings to scouts are also free. Parents are $2.00. All Cub Scouts that attend will earn their Geology Beltloop and Pin. Webelos Scouts will earn their Geologist Activity Pin.
October 10th - Scout Day at the Space and Rocket Center. The cost is $18.00 per person. This includes your admission, one IMAX movie, hamburger lunch, a patch and certificate for each participating scout.
October 16th - Cub Haunted at Camp Comer. You can download a registration form for this event from the Arrowhead District Website. A link to that website is on the right hand side of this blog. You must register at least 1 week prior to this session to avoid a late fee.
Dates to Remember:
Dec. 3rd - Athens Christmas Parade
Jan. 15th - USS Alabama Battleship Trip to Mobile