About ABS Pack 25

Eric Roth is Pack Chairman. David Fortenberry is our Cubmaster. The den leader of the Tiger Cub Den is Kimberly Harbin. Jennifer Fortenberry is the den leader of the Wolf Den. Matt Davis is the leader of the Bear Den. Gay Ulrich is the den leader of the Webelos I Den. Tracy Moyers is the den leader of the Webelos II Den. Membership fluctuates around two dozen boys in grades 1-5. First graders participate as a Tiger cub. Second graders work toward the rank of Wolf. Third graders may attain the rank of Bear. Fourth and fifth graders participate in the 18 month long WEBLOS program. Pack 25 is one of dozens in the Arrowhead district that serves Limestone, Morgan, and Lauderdale Counties. Also, the pack and district form part of the Greater Alabama Council that serves the 22 uppermost counties of Alabama.

Activities that Pack 25 offers include: regular den meetings centered around rank advancement, service projects, family camping, hiking, canoeing, trips to attractions across the Tennesse Valley, banquets,and pinewood derby racing.

Contact Information

If you would like to submit scout photos or scout information for the website regarding ABS Pack 25, please send an email to billandgayulrich@charter.net

If you would like more information about joining ABS Pack 25 or information about our scouting events, please email David Fortenberry at djfortenberry@charter.net.

ABS Pack 25 Visits Limestone Health Facility 12-18-09

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The pack has been collecting donations all week for the residents who live at the Limestone Healthy Facility. They collected many items such as: blankets, snuggies, house shoes, socks, books, wordsearch puzzle books, coloring books, crayons, lotions, etc.

They delivered the donated supplies today. While they were there, they walked up and down the halls singing Christmas carols. The residents and workers really seemed happy to see the scouts today. The residents loved seeing the children. The children learned an important lesson on serving others today.

ABS Pack 25 Adopts Greenway

ABS Pack 25 adopted the Athens Greenway and are doing their part to keep it clean. This is a set of trails that begin at the Athens Sportsplex, go around Athens High School, and end up at Hwy 31 just below Lowes. Check out the pictures below:

These pictures are of the trail between the Athens Sportsplex and Athens High School.

These pictures are of the trail between Athens High School and Hwy 31 just below Lowes.

Pack Hike 11-14-09

The following video scrapbook contains pictures from our Pack Hike on 11-14-09. We met at the Little Red Caboose in Elkmont, AL. Then we headed North on the Rails to Trails. We walked 3 miles to the covered bridge. Then we turned around and headed back to the caboose. We hiked a total of 6 miles that day.

Click on the "smilebox" below to see the pictures. Also, you will have to click on the arrows at the bottom of the "scrapbook page" to turn the "pages". If you want to enlarge a picture on a page, just click on the picture. Enjoy!
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Pack Meeting - 11-10-09

The Bears led the opening flag ceremony and prayer at our Pack Meeting on 11-10-09.

Tigers received their achievements:

Wolves received achievements:

Bears received achievements:

Webelos II receive achievements:

Dates to Remember:
Dec 3rd - Athens Christmas Parade: Talk to Heather or Mark Nave about helping with the Pack 25 float.
Jan 15th - USS Alabama Battleship Trip to Mobile: $18 per non-scout (scouts will be covered by the Pack this year).
Jan 30th - Huntsville Havoc Scout Night at VBCC.
Feb 6th - Pinewood Derby
April 10th - Blue and Gold Banquet

We need volunteers to help with the following:
Assistant Cubmaster
Camping/Hiking Organizer
Blue and Gold Banquet Organizer

Thanks to Gay Ulrich for agreeing to assist Kimberly with the Website. She will take over those duties when the Harbin Family Bridges over to Boy Scouts.

Cub Haunted 2009

We had a great time at Cub Haunted at Camp Comer this year. Check out some of the fun things we did in the slideshow below. We got to do lots of cool things like: BB shooting, Archery, Kettle Car Racing, Hiking, Walking through a Haunted Trail, Going on a spooky hay ride and enjoying a show at the amphitheater put on by our leaders and other scouts.
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Webelos II Hike 9-18-09

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Tim Richter took his Webelos II den hiking on 9-18-09 at Rails to Trails in Elkmont, AL. It had been raining most of that day. But, God blessed us with a beautiful afternoon - perfect for hiking. While on the hike, he taught them some information they will need to earn their Forester Activity Pin. They learned to identify several trees. They learned which plants to avoid in the forest such as poison ivy. He also helped them learn the 12 points of the Boy Scout Law by getting them to repeat it as a team all during the hike. By the end of the hike many of the boys had memorized it because of his help. They hiked 3 miles. They were hungry and tired at the end of the day, but they had a blast! Many thanks goes out to Sandra Britnell for contributing such great photos for this website. Be sure to click on the slideshow above to see how much fun everyone had!

Pack Meeting - September 8, 2009

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The slideshow above contains pictures from our first pack meeting of the 2009-2010 school year. The Webelos I and II led the Flag Ceremony and Opening Prayer. David discussed upcoming events and gave out numerous achievement awards. The achievement awards are below:
Tiger Den 4
Caleb Bowen -Bobcat Badge, Recognition emblem
Jesse Davis-Bobcat Badge, Recognition emblem
Adam Davidson-Recognition emblem
Will Hall-Bobcat Badge, Recognition emblem
Seth Leopard- Bobcat Badge, Recognition emblem
John Paul-Bobcat Badge, Recognition emblem

Wolf Den
Elliott Adams- BB belt loop and Archery belt loop
Robert Bradley-BB belt loop and Archery belt loop
Grey Fortenberry- BB belt loop and Archery belt loop
Jesse Hicklen- BB belt loop and Archery belt loop
Nicholas Ulrich-Belt loops: Soccer, Bowling, BBs and Archery

Webelos 1
Connor Roth: Outdoor Activity Award (wolf track pin-already has patch), Webelos Aquanaut activity pin, Swimming belt loop

Webelos 2
Andrew Adams: Outdoor Activity Award (wolf track pin - already has patch)
Austin Britnell: Outdoor Activity Award, 50 Miler award, Academic Pins:
Citizenship, Collecting, Map and Compass, Music, Science, Bowling, Swimming

Caleb Boyd: Outdoor Activity Award, Outdoorsman Activity Pin
Chase Harbin: Outdoor Activity Award (wolf track pin - already has patch)
David Hough: Bobcat patch
Colton Richter: Outdoor Activity Award, Outdoorsman Activity Pin
Cody Roberson: Outdoor Activity Award
Amos Perry: Outdoor Activity Award (wolf track pin - already has patch)
Sammy Sandlin: Outdoor Activity Award (wolf track pin - already has patch)Webelos Traveler pin, Webelos Readyman pin

We also had a Bobcat Ceremony and Austin Britnell was awarded a new hiking stick for earning his 50 Miler Award.

Upcoming Events:
September 19th - We will meet at 5pm to pick up trash along the greenway at the park. We will meet right behind the Tennis Courts next to Athens High School. If you have any questions about this event, call Tim Richter - Webelos II Den Leader.

September 26th - Fishing Rodeo at Joe Wheeler. You can click on the Link for the Arrowhead District on this website to download a registration form.

October 9-11th - Gem and Mineral Show at Von Braun Civic Center - South Hall. Oct. 9th and 10th - open from 10am to 6pm. Oct. 11 open noon to 5pm. Scouts and leaders in uniform get in free. Siblings to scouts are also free. Parents are $2.00. All Cub Scouts that attend will earn their Geology Beltloop and Pin. Webelos Scouts will earn their Geologist Activity Pin.

October 10th - Scout Day at the Space and Rocket Center. The cost is $18.00 per person. This includes your admission, one IMAX movie, hamburger lunch, a patch and certificate for each participating scout.

October 16th - Cub Haunted at Camp Comer. You can download a registration form for this event from the Arrowhead District Website. A link to that website is on the right hand side of this blog. You must register at least 1 week prior to this session to avoid a late fee.

Dates to Remember:
Dec. 3rd - Athens Christmas Parade
Jan. 15th - USS Alabama Battleship Trip to Mobile

Austin Britnell's Article about the Upcoming Scouting Year - He wrote this to satisfy one of his Communicator Webelos Activity Pin requirements.

“Hi, my name is Austin Britnell and I am a Webelos II Scout. I am sad because this is my last year in Cub Scouts, but I know it will be fun. I can’t wait until Cub Haunted and I am looking forward to going to the campout on the USS Alabama again!! Hopefully it won’t be too cold this year for our Christmas Parade. In February we will have our Pinewood Derby. Last year I placed 2nd. I can’t wait to see how I do this year. We will celebrate the end of the year with our annual Blue and Gold Banquet. We always have lots of yummy food! After all the fun things this year I will have my bridging ceremony and then I will be a Boy Scout. Then the fun will start all over again!”

Austin Britnell
Athens Bible School
Cub Scout Pack 25

Pack 25 Keeps their Community Clean

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Pack 25 has been taking part in a monthly clean-up program. This clean-up program was organized by the Webelos Den Leader - Tim Richter. Pack 25 adopted an area behind the trail at the park in Athens, AL. Click on the slideshow above to see some pictures of these hard-working scouts.

ABS Pack 25 at the Huntsville Stars Game - August 21, 2009

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The cub scouts and their families from ABS Pack 25 enjoyed a funfilled evening at the Huntsville Stars Baseball Game on August 21, 2009. We enjoyed the game, but we also enjoyed each other's company and snacking on some typical baseball game snacks. We got to run out on the field while "Who Let the Dog's Out" played loudly over the speakers. We got our picture made with Homer (the mascot). After the ballgame, we saw an awsome fireworks show. It only lasted about 10 minutes, but it was the best way to end a great evening with all of our scout friends and family from Pack 25. Many thanks goes out to David Fortenberry (our Cubmaster) for organizing this fun activity! To view the slideshow above, just click on "play". Enjoy the slideshow!

Cub Scout Day Camp - 2009

Cub Scout Day Camp was held at Point Mallard in Decatur, AL on June 1 - 5, 2009. The theme of this year's camp was called "CSI - Cub Scout Investigations". There were nineteen scouts from ABS attending Day Camp this year. The boys enjoyed a fun-filled week learning all kinds of new things. They also completed a lot of requirements needed to go toward their achievements.

Blue and Gold Banquet - May 2009 (Scouting the Great Outdoors"

We enjoyed a fun-filled evening at our Blue and Gold Banquet on May 9, 2009 at the Athens Bible School Cafeteria. "Scouting the Great Outdoors" was the theme of our banquet this year. Roger Bedingfield from Roger's Portraits set up a mini-studio to take pictures of our scouts and leaders. We enjoyed some great food and entertainment during the evening. Eric Roth, our Cub Master, prepared a great slideshow of this past year's scouting events. Our scouts also entertained us by performing amusing skits. We had a Father/Son Cake Decorating Contest - Bill and Nicholas Ulrich had the winning cake. Their cake featured campers sleeping in sleeping bags next to a campfire. Check out the picture of this winning cake in the slideshow above. The other participants did a great job, too. Chase and Kasey Harbin made a camping themed cake and Caleb Boyd made a very yummy dessert. All of those desserts were gobbled up quickly. We did not have very many left-overs. The Bear Den took top honors in the Table Decoration Contest with their "Trail Maps" theme. Each Bear in the den made a "hiking trail map" to display on the table. They used other camping gear as decorations on their table, too. They did a great job! You will see their winning table in the slideshow above. The Tigers made "Tiger" placemats and their table was decorated using a western theme. The Wolf Den was very creative in using a canopy over their "camping" themed table. They used items from various events they participated in during the year as decorations as well. The Webelos I and Webelos II joined forces in the competition this year to create a camping themed table, too. They made "scout friends" to display as if they were hiking in the woods. The Webelos II were depicted on a bridge to commemorate their "bridging ceremony" that took place as they crossed over from cub scouts to boy scouts. Thanks to all of those who helped set up and decorate for the banquet, prepared food, brought drinks and helped clean up afterward. Many thanks goes to all of our den leaders, assistant den leaders and other volunteers for all of the hard work you have done this year. We would also like to thank Eric and Melinda Roth for all of their hard work in organizing all of our pack activities. As Eric Roth becomes our new Chairman, we want to thank David Fortenberry for stepping up to take over the role as our new Cub Master. We have had a great scouting year and look forward to the summer activities and the activities that are planned for next year!

Webelos II Bridging Ceremony over to Boy Scouts - April 20, 2009

On April 20, 2009, three Webelos from ABS Pack 25 "bridged" over to the ABS Boy Scout Troop 21. The Bridging Ceremony was held at Big Springs Park in Athens, AL. The ceremony began with Jake as the Color Guard Caller and Ben as the Flag Bearer during the Color Guard Advance. The Pledge of Allegience was led by Andrew. Scout Oath was led by Alexander. Dayton led the troop in reciting the Scout Law. After a prayer led by Garret, Mr. Calvert, Troop Committee Chair, welcomed the Troop and the Pack to the ceremony. Then, Mr. Eric Roth, Cubmaster of Pack 25, gave a farewell speech to the Webelos from his pack and removed the Webelos neckerchief and shoulder loops from their uniforms. Then each Webelo was called to cross the bridge over to Troop 21 from Pack 25. After each Webelo crossed over the bridge they were welcomed by Gary Boyd, Scoutmaster of Troop 21. The Boys Scouts from Troop 21 presented Dalton, Corbin, and Sam with their new Boy Scout neckerchief and shoulder loops. Then Dalton, Corbin, and Sam repeated the Scout Oath with Troop 21. Each part of the Scout Law was stated during a candle lighting ceremony. Then the ceremony ended with a prayer. Congatulations Dalton, Corbin and Sam!

Chase Harbin takes 2nd Place at District Pinewood Derby

Out of 63 cars racing at the Arrowhead District Pinewood Derby on March 14, 2009, Chase Harbin took home a trophy for "2nd Place". His average speed for the day was 215.5 MPH. Great job, Chase!