About ABS Pack 25

Eric Roth is Pack Chairman. David Fortenberry is our Cubmaster. The den leader of the Tiger Cub Den is Kimberly Harbin. Jennifer Fortenberry is the den leader of the Wolf Den. Matt Davis is the leader of the Bear Den. Gay Ulrich is the den leader of the Webelos I Den. Tracy Moyers is the den leader of the Webelos II Den. Membership fluctuates around two dozen boys in grades 1-5. First graders participate as a Tiger cub. Second graders work toward the rank of Wolf. Third graders may attain the rank of Bear. Fourth and fifth graders participate in the 18 month long WEBLOS program. Pack 25 is one of dozens in the Arrowhead district that serves Limestone, Morgan, and Lauderdale Counties. Also, the pack and district form part of the Greater Alabama Council that serves the 22 uppermost counties of Alabama.

Activities that Pack 25 offers include: regular den meetings centered around rank advancement, service projects, family camping, hiking, canoeing, trips to attractions across the Tennesse Valley, banquets,and pinewood derby racing.

Contact Information

If you would like to submit scout photos or scout information for the website regarding ABS Pack 25, please send an email to billandgayulrich@charter.net

If you would like more information about joining ABS Pack 25 or information about our scouting events, please email David Fortenberry at djfortenberry@charter.net.

ABS Pack 25 Adopts Greenway

ABS Pack 25 adopted the Athens Greenway and are doing their part to keep it clean. This is a set of trails that begin at the Athens Sportsplex, go around Athens High School, and end up at Hwy 31 just below Lowes. Check out the pictures below:

These pictures are of the trail between the Athens Sportsplex and Athens High School.

These pictures are of the trail between Athens High School and Hwy 31 just below Lowes.

Pack Hike 11-14-09

The following video scrapbook contains pictures from our Pack Hike on 11-14-09. We met at the Little Red Caboose in Elkmont, AL. Then we headed North on the Rails to Trails. We walked 3 miles to the covered bridge. Then we turned around and headed back to the caboose. We hiked a total of 6 miles that day.

Click on the "smilebox" below to see the pictures. Also, you will have to click on the arrows at the bottom of the "scrapbook page" to turn the "pages". If you want to enlarge a picture on a page, just click on the picture. Enjoy!
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Pack Meeting - 11-10-09

The Bears led the opening flag ceremony and prayer at our Pack Meeting on 11-10-09.

Tigers received their achievements:

Wolves received achievements:

Bears received achievements:

Webelos II receive achievements:

Dates to Remember:
Dec 3rd - Athens Christmas Parade: Talk to Heather or Mark Nave about helping with the Pack 25 float.
Jan 15th - USS Alabama Battleship Trip to Mobile: $18 per non-scout (scouts will be covered by the Pack this year).
Jan 30th - Huntsville Havoc Scout Night at VBCC.
Feb 6th - Pinewood Derby
April 10th - Blue and Gold Banquet

We need volunteers to help with the following:
Assistant Cubmaster
Camping/Hiking Organizer
Blue and Gold Banquet Organizer

Thanks to Gay Ulrich for agreeing to assist Kimberly with the Website. She will take over those duties when the Harbin Family Bridges over to Boy Scouts.

Cub Haunted 2009

We had a great time at Cub Haunted at Camp Comer this year. Check out some of the fun things we did in the slideshow below. We got to do lots of cool things like: BB shooting, Archery, Kettle Car Racing, Hiking, Walking through a Haunted Trail, Going on a spooky hay ride and enjoying a show at the amphitheater put on by our leaders and other scouts.
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